How we started
Elisabeth Rose was born from our founder’s love for handwritten correspondence combined with her deeply rooted desire to create art.
The history of Elisabeth Rose wouldn’t be complete without the story of our 1881 Samson Letterpress that Elisabeth discovered on Craigslist. This letterpress spent most of its life on a U.S. Navy ship based in Annapolis, Maryland until the ship was retired. The gentleman that ran the press requested to take it with him to his home in Annapolis after and continued to run the press as a hobby until he passed away in 2010.
In February 2011 Elisabeth purchased the press from his grandchildren and brought it home to Charlotte. Elisabeth Rose was launched on the plates of this press and will always hold a special place in our hearts.
what we do
Elisabeth Rose is a lifestyle brand that offers services and products to enhance all aspects of your life. From custom event stationery to full service brand experiences, our goal is to elevate and bring your ideas to life.
This past fall we launched our retail line that embodies Elisabeth’s sleek and minimalistic style with a little bit of edge. From our letterpress boxed set cards to our most recent launch of candles, we create luxury products to upgrade your day to day routine.